InnovaGoods Thermal Cup with Lid | V0100509
If you are passionate about the world of gadgets, InnovaGoods offers you the best and most original new items for the home, car, travel, children, technology, entertainment, etc.! Discover a wide range of high-quality products that stand out thanks to their functionality, efficiency and innovative design, such as the Thermal Cup with Lid InnovaGoods!
An unusual, practical multifunctional cup that looks like a professional camera. Its design with a lid means you can take it anywhere without worrying about spilling its content.
- Material:
- Stainless steel
- Colour: Black
- Modern design: Original and portable
- Capacity: 400 ml
- Type of fastening: Threaded cover
- Versatile and adaptable: Multi-use
- Characteristics: Suitable for hot and cold drinks
- Easy to use and clean: Convenient and easy to use
- Light and manageable: Easy to transport and store
- Includes: Carry bag